Delagram 12th February 2024
From the Principal
Assistant Principal
From the Religious Education Coordinator
LaSalle's 2024 Youth Minister
Leader of Teaching and Learning
Year 7-9 Pastoral Care Co-ordinator
Pastoral Welfare Co-ordinator Years 10 - 12
Wallerwang Soccor Team Registrations
Netball Players Needed
LINC Activity - Trading Games
Free Autism Workshop for Parents and Carers
Canteen- Flexischools App
School Zones Reminder
From the Principal

Welcome back. It was truly delightful to welcome all our staff and students
back to a new year at La Salle Academy on the 1st and 2nd of February. A new year of learning, activities, experiences and opportunities. We have already commenced our year with the introduction of 54 new Year 7 students, a full school assembly, a celebration of 2023 HSC results and a beautiful Opening Mass. Thank you to Mrs Wilsmore-Smith (our new Religious Education Coordinator), Mr Pearce, Mrs Markovic and Imogen Della Bosca (our new Youth Minister) for their contribution on Friday 9th February. During the mass where we also commissioned our 2024 school leaders, I communicated to following message to those in attendance:
In the last year, our community has been working towards providing a safe, stable and structured school where we can all demonstrate our pride. Pride in ourselves, the school and our community. We have a lot to celebrate at La Salle Academy, from academic achievements, sporting success, community engagement to enriching opportunities. Since the start of the year, I have challenged our community to strengthen this sense of pride by taking responsibility. Achievements, success and engagement don’t just happen, it requires effort, commitment and participation. Students have been asked to take responsibility in how we present and act, engage in the classroom, apply ourselves to our homework and assessment. If our students take on this responsibility, we can build upon the foundations that we set last year and continue to produce the student outcome that we all desire.
This Wednesday, we celebrate the start of our Lenten season with Ash Wednesday. Pope Francis, too, asks us to take responsibility. In a world where we see conflict, war and turmoil, lets us take responsibility to “…let others see joyful faces, catch the scent of freedom and experience the love that makes all
things new, beginning with the smallest and those nearest to us. This can happen in every one of our Christian communities.” (Pope Francis Lenten Message, 2014). Through our prayers and actions, we can demonstrate the love, compassion and concern for our neighbours that can overcome the difficulties we face in our communities and across the world. We will be asking our students this Wednesday to consider how they can contribute to a better community and we welcome families to discuss this very question in their own homes.
I hope that your child has had a great start to the new school year and that they are committed in working with us to create a school where everyone feelswelcomed, safe and supported. We are looking forward to a fantastic year ahead and look forward to engaging with our community throughout the year.'
Important Dates:
Tuesday 13th February: Shrove Tuesday (Pancakes available)
Wednesday 14th February: Ash Wednesday St Valentine’s Day Note: No meat at the Canteen
Tuesday 20th February: Welcome Evening Year 7 Parents/Guardians BBQ
Wednesday 21st February: Swimming Carnival (Lithgow Pool)
Thursday 22nd February: Pupil Free Day Catholic Diocese of Bathurst Staff Professional Development Day
Please join me in welcome to new staff to La Salle Academy in 2024:
Ms Tahni Isedale (Year 7-9 Pastoral/Wellbeing Coordinator; Teacher);
Ms Melissa Devine (Literacy Coach/Teacher Librarian; Teacher);
Ms Alison Griffiths (Teacher);
Ms Hayley Prineas (Teacher);
Mr Nick Prineas (Teacher);
Ms Tess Sheather (Teacher);
Mr. David Cam (Teacher);
Ms. Kerry Hogan (Teacher);
Mr. Adrien Leighton (Teacher);
Ms. Laura Dickson (School Learning Support Officer);
Ms Angela Wessell (School Learning Support Officer);
Ms Imogen Della Bosca (Youth Minister)
Please join me in congratulating new promotional appointments at La Salle Academy in 2024:
Ms. Jenny Holgate (Assistant Principal);
Ms. Anne-Maree Wilsmore-Smith (Religious Education Coordinator)
Mr. Steve Carroll (Years 10-12 Pastoral/Wellbeing Coordinator)
Ms. Lalitha Plumb (Assistant Year 7-9 Pastoral/Wellbeing Coordinator)
Ms. Helen Johnston (Assistant Year 10-12 Pastoral/Wellbeing Coordinator)
Ms. Keely Millar (Sports Coordinator)
Bring on 2024!
Mr Glenn Carpenter

Assistant Principal

Welcome to the 2024 school year. I hope that everyone had a nice Christmas break and had an opportunity to spend time with family and friends. It is a privilege to start this year in the role as your new Assistant Principal and I look forward to the year ahead.
It was a pleasure to welcome our Year 7 students to high school together with our Year 12 students to their last first day of school on 1st February. It was nice to see so many parents enjoy a coffee with our staff as we begin the school year. Year 10 also returned on the 1st Febraury to begin their journey towards the first possible exit point from secondary school.
Years 8, 9 & 11 returned to school on Friday 2nd February to begin their school year. Year 9 & 11 are beginning new electives and hopefully this will give them a renewed outlook to their studies.
On Friday we celebrated our Opening School Mass at St Patricks Church and inducted our Year 12 Leaders, Mission Leader, Sport Captain and House Leaders for 2024. It was also Father Reynolds, first whole school Mass and we warmly welcome him into our school community.
Before stepping into the role as Assistant Principal, I was the Technology and Applied Studies (TAS) and Vocational Education and Training Coordinator. Although I no longer coordinate TAS, my role still includes coordinating VET subjects and TAFE courses.
If students are looking to study a TAFE course as a part of their program of study in Stage 6 or they are studying Construction here at school and need assistance, they need to make some time to see me.
My role also includes School Based Traineeships and Apprenticeships (SBAT) coordination.
We currently have four school-based trainees which is an incredible opportunity to have a
second qualification by the time you complete your HSC. Some SBAT’s can commence late
in Year 10 so if students are interested in this, they need to also see me for further
I look forward to a succesful 2024.
Mrs Holgate
Assistant Principal
From the Religious Education Coordinator

As we embrace the start of another year at La Salle, I am excited to extend a warm welcome to each and every one of you. La Salle is buzzing with excitement as we embark on a journey filled with growth, learning, and spiritual enrichment.
This year, we kicked off the term with a flurry of events, embracing the joy and vibrancy that comes with the start of a new chapter. Our Opening Mass was a beautiful celebration, graced by the presence of special guests, students, staff and parishioners. It was a momentous occasion where our School Leaders had the honour of receiving their badges from their parents at the altar, symbolising the trust and responsibility bestowed upon them to lead our community with integrity and compassion.
As we delve into the first weeks of Term 1, we find ourselves amidst a whirlwind of events. On the horizon, we eagerly anticipate the joyous occasion of Shrove Tuesday, marked by our annual "pancake party" on February 13th. Not only is this a time for indulgence and revelry, but it is also an opportunity for us to contribute to a greater cause, with all proceeds from the event destined for Project Compassion.
Following closely on its heels, we gather together for a solemn Ash Wednesday school liturgy on February 14th. This sacred day serves as a reminder of our mortality and calls us to reflect on our spiritual journey as we start the Lenten season.
Simultaneously, we rejoice in the celebration of love and affection on St. Valentine's Day, also on February 14th. This year, in a gesture of kindness and friendship, we will be exchanging special gifts during period 5, with all donations directed towards supporting the invaluable work of Project Compassion.
Next Wednesday we begin the season of Lent, which also marks the beginning of the annual Caritas Australia Project Compassion Appeal. Donations to Project Compassion allows Caritas Australia, the Catholic Agency for International Aid and Development, to work with local communities around the world to alleviate poverty, hunger, oppression and injustice.
We encourage you to put your compassion into action this Lent through your prayer, fasting and almsgiving by supporting Project Compassion. Each family can donate online via the Caritas Australia website at or scan the QR code below. Our aim this year is to raise $1000.
Furthermore, I am delighted to introduce our new Youth Minister for the year 2024, Imogen Della Bosca. Having graduated from La Salle just last year, Imogen brings with her a deep understanding of our school's values and aspirations, and I am confident that she will inspire and guide our students towards spiritual growth and self-discovery.
Finally, as we navigate through the year ahead we welcome Father Reynold to Lithgow and urge you to stay connected with our local parishes and their mass times, as we continue to foster a strong sense of faith and fellowship within our broader community.
Tuesday: 12.30pm – St Patrick’s Church, Lithgow
Thursday: 9.30am – St Patrick’s Church, Lithgow
Friday: 9.30am – St Patrick’s Church, Lithgow
Saturday Morning: 10.00am - Sacred Heart, Wallerawang
Saturday Vigil : 5.00pm – St Patrick’s Church, Lithgow (6.00pm daylight saving time October – March)
Sunday: 10.00am – St Patrick’s Church, Lithgow
Together, let us embrace the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead, united in our shared commitment to academic excellence, spiritual growth, and compassionate service.
With warm regards,
Mrs Wilsmore-Smith
Religious Education Coordinator

LaSalle's 2024 Youth Minister

My name is Imogen Della Bosca and I am the new Youth Minister here at La Salle for 2024. I graduated Year 12 last year in 2023 and look forward to being back at school working with the teachers and students.
Some interests of mine include music and soccer.
I am very excited to work with the Year 9 and 10 Students doing CSYMI and to help them to continue to build on their leadership skills and connect to their faith.
I have also really enjoyed getting to know the new Year 7 students and helping out in some of their music classes. Here at school we have some special activities coming up throughout the first few weeks of school, these include Shrove Tuesday where we will be selling pancakes for a dollar each and our Valentine's Day fundraiser on Wednesday. Commissions made from these events will be going towards the schools Project Compassion donations. I am incredibly excited to be back at La Salle getting to know the kids and building up what spirit and getting the chance to make a difference within the school.
Have a great fortnight.
Imogen Della Bosca
La Salle Youth Minister
Leader of Teaching and Learning

Welcome to the 2024 school year. As the Leader of Teaching
and Learning my focus is on maximising teaching and learning
at La Salle Academy.
“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.”
Robert Collier, American author
I’d like to start with this quote to remind us that success is not an
overnight achievement but rather the result of consistent, daily efforts. By being clear on our aims, staying dedicated and putting in consistent effort, we can all accomplish much over time.
As a staff we will be focusing on promoting success in teaching and learning this year and will be engaged in a number of exciting initiatives to enhance our work and student outcomes.
Already this year we have participated in professional learning based on our 2024 teaching and learning plan. Later this term, on February 22nd we will extend this by attending a Catholic Dioceses of Bathurst Professional Learning Day with renowned international educator, Michael McDowell. This day, and the associated learning that follows, will be critical to continuing to build the expertise and knowledge of our excellent teachers. Please be aware that the 22nd February is a pupil free day.
This year we will also be focusing on literacy as the foundation of all learning. Mrs Melissa Devine will be working with our staff to enhance our strategies and outcomes. This is an initiative occurring
across the Diocese, with schools working together to share ideas and successes.
In addition, in 2024 we are looking to increase our focus on learning extension and enhancement. We will do this by seeking opportunities to extend our students and provide them with additional opportunities, within and beyond the school. More information will be provided as the year progresses.
Our work in teaching and learning is also extended and inspired this year by the addition of a number of new staff and students. We welcome everyone and look forward to their contributions to our
collective work.
If you have any questions about teaching and learning at La Salle, please do not hesitate to make contact with me at any time.
Dr Donna Mitchell
Leader of Teaching and Learning
Year 7-9 Pastoral Care Co-ordinator

Welcome back to school for 2024!
My name is Tahni Isedale and I am the Wellbeing Coordinator (previously known as pastoral care) for Years 7, 8 and 9 in 2024. I come to La Salle following a period of parental leave from St Raphael’s Cowra, with 10 years teaching experience, five of those being in the wellbeing space. I am very much looking forward to getting to know, and working with the students and families here at La Salle.
A warm welcome to our Year 7 cohort for 2024. After a couple of orientation and administration days last week, Year 7 students are now looking very confident here on campus, getting to know their way around the school, how to read their timetables and making new friends! Parents of year 7 please be on the lookout for a camp permission note that will be arriving home with your child early next week. Please congratulate your year 7 child on a fantastic start to their high school journey!
We welcomed back our year 8 and 9 students on Friday 2nd February. After assembly and year meetings, year 8 and 9 were straight back into routine with normal classes from period 2. I am slowly starting to put names to faces and am enjoying getting to know our year 8 and 9 cohorts!
My role in wellbeing is to support our students and help them to feel safe and confident here at La Salle Academy, which is much easier if the students feel welcome and confident in coming to ask for support. I have encouraged all students 7-9 to pop into my office in the Wellbeing Hub any time the door is open to say hello and have a chat. It has been lovely to see a number of students already taking up this opportunity and allowing me to get to know them. Parents of students in years 7-9, please feel free to contact me at the school should you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing.
Ms Tahni Isedsale
Year 7-9 Pastoral Welfare Coordinator
Pastoral Welfare Co-ordinator Years 10 - 12

Welcome to 2024. As some may be aware there has been some staff movement and I (Stephen Carroll) am now the Year 10-12 Coordinator. This area of the school has seen a lot of change and will continue to see a lot of change over the coming year! There is also a new member of staff in the 7-9 role Miss Isedale. Both myself and Miss Tahni Isedale have worked in the area of Wellbeing previously at St Raphael’s Cowra. We have a pretty strong professional relationship and this is our 8th year working together. I write this to let you know that there is plenty of experience in this area and previous to Cowra I also headed Wellbeing in a school on the Central Coast.
Already this year I am pleased to say that my office in the Wellbeing Hub has been busy with students coming in to say hi and some coming in to say help! I am student focused and will be a voice and advocate for them when the need arises. Trying to navigate senior schooling and the transition to the world outside our gates can be a little daunting and along with all of our staff I will try my best to help ready your young adult for this change.
A big year ahead and I am trying to individually get to know each and every student from years 10 -12. Something that I have been doing for some time now but nonetheless there still are a few that I am yet to teach and get to know. I will challenge the students to take action, to take responsibility for their actions and to be brave and be able to speak their truth. Watch this space!
Please do not hesitate to call me if you have concerns with your son or daughter in the area of wellbeing.
Mr Stephen Carroll
Year 10-12 Coordinator.
Wallerwang Soccor Team Registrations

Netball Players Needed
LINC Activity - Trading Games
LINC in Lithgow is start a new activity for both children and older people in two different sessions. One for young people 10-17 and a later one for 18+.
We are starting a Trading Card Game (TCG) afternoon at LINC on Friday afternoons for children and young people. It is for playing the TCG games such as Pokemon and Yugioh etc.
We will be providing some Pokemon playable desks for children without cards to come and play or learn to play and are hoping to grow that number as we go along.

Free Autism Workshop for Parents and Carers
Canteen- Flexischools App
We have the flexischools app for your convenience order online - See the flyers below with instructions on how to order

School Zones Reminder