Delagram 14th March 2025
Assistant Principal
Leader of Teaching and Learning
Religious Education Coordinator
Youth Minister
Mission Leaders of La Salle Academy
Pastoral and Wellbeing Co-ordinator Year 8 and 10
Library News
Aboriginal Education Officer
Mowers Needed
All things attendance
Important Information
CEBD Community Charter
Upcoming Events and Opportunities
Karate Classes
Student stationery pack
Becoming a foster carer
Canteen- Flexischools App
School Zones Reminder
Assistant Principal

Halfway Through the Term!
Dear Parents, Students, and Staff,
We are now at the midpoint of the term, and I want to take a moment to reflect on our progress and the exciting opportunities ahead. It has been wonderful to see our students engaged in learning, participating in school activities, and striving for success.
Year 7 Students
Our Year 7 students have settled in well and are now fully engaged in their studies. It is great to see their enthusiasm and eagerness to learn. Keep up the great work!
Year 7 Camp Fun
Our Year 7 students recently enjoyed an exciting and memorable camp experience at
Yarramundi. It was wonderful to hear about their experiences, developing new skills, and challenging themselves through various activities. A big thank you to our teachers and staff
for organizing such a fantastic event.
Academic Progress & Support
As we approach the second half of the term, we encourage students to stay on top of their assignments and assessments. Teachers and support staff are available for extra assistance, and we highly recommend students take advantage of tutoring sessions and study groups.
Progress Reports will be distributed to students and parents/caregivers on Friday 11 th April
and Year 12 students will receive their Mid-Course report on this day as well.
NAPLAN Completed for 2025
We are pleased to announce that NAPLAN assessments for 2025 have been successfully
completed. Results will be available later in the year. Thank you to all students and staff for
your efforts and dedication throughout the testing period.
We appreciate the hard work and dedication of our students and staff and look forward to a
strong finish to the term. Keep striving for excellence, and let’s make the rest of the term
productive and rewarding!
Have a great fortnight
Mrs Holgate
Leader of Teaching and Learning

The staff and students at La Salle Academy have settled well into the term and are focused on working towards achieving their teaching and learning goals. As assessment notifications are making their way out to students, now is the time to put some key strategies into place to ensure a successful, stress-free completion of those tasks.
- Know the requirements of the task - read the assessment notification carefully, identify the purpose and timeframe, and clarify any confusion regarding expectations with your class teacher. Make notes on unfamiliar terms or concepts. This information will guide you as you work through the task.
- Plan your task- This may mean spending time planning your research as this will help you to find relevant resources and avoid wasting time on an aimless search. At this point, it is important to gather background information to help you further your knowledge of the topic. You should also begin to form a search strategy through identifying strong key words, synonyms and related terms to help you make finding sources easier. It also may mean that you need to establish a clear timeline to help you complete the task, especially if checkpoints are a part of the task.
- Search/gather relevant information-
Identify the research requirements - Do you need to include specific types of sources? eg written and visual, primary or secondary or a mixture of both.
Is this information current, e.g. created within the year or within the last 5 years?
Search for resources -You have access to a wide range of resources - hard copy (in the non-fiction section of the library) and digital (Clickview, SORA, the State Library of NSW and TROVE). These are great places to search for resources because the sources will be credible. If you are using online sources through independent searches such as Google, you need to ensure they are reliable. It is important to use an evaluation checklist to verify the sources you use.
- Record and organise factual information - Read over the information you have gathered and keep a record of where you sourced the material. This will help to save you time when it comes to creating citations (using e.g. Harvard or Oxford Referencing) or constructing a bibliography. By keeping accurate records you are also actively working to avoid plagiarism.
- Create the task - use the marking criteria as a checklist when you are creating your response. Prepare your response early to ensure you have time to draft, edit and rewrite if necessary. This is also important if your task is technology based. Make sure you factor in enough time in case of technical difficulties. Always ask for help if you feel unsure about a task.
- Keep on track with all assessment task deadlines by referring to the La Salle Academy Assessment Organiser that was issued to all students.
- If you are having difficulties completing a task or just want to make sure you are on track, always check in with your classroom teacher.
- Come along to the La Salle Academy Homework/Study Hub held in the library every Monday and Wednesday from 3.30- 6.00pm. This will provide you with a quiet space to work and teachers who can support you in your study.
Yours in learning,
Mrs Devine

Religious Education Coordinator

Faith is more than a belief, it is the guiding light that provides strength, hope, and purpose in our daily lives. In times of challenge and uncertainty, faith keeps us grounded, reminding us that we are never alone on our journey. As we approach some significant events in our Mission calendar, we are reminded of the importance of coming together as a community to celebrate, reflect, and give back.
Upcoming Faith Events & Fundraisers
St John Baptist de La Salle Feast Day Mass: Monday, 7th April at St Patrick’s Church, 9:30 am.
We warmly invite parents and community members to join us in celebrating the life and legacy of our patron, St John Baptist de La Salle. His vision of providing education for all continues to inspire us at La Salle Academy, and this Mass will be a special opportunity to honour his dedication to faith and service.
La Salle Easter Liturgy: Wednesday, 10th April at La Salle Academy 2:30pm
Our Year 7 students will be leading a beautiful Easter Liturgy, reflecting on the significance of Christ’s resurrection. We would love to have our families join us as we celebrate this joyous season of renewal and hope.
RISEN Youth Retreat (Years 10-12): 11th-13th April
This retreat is a unique opportunity for our senior students to deepen their faith, connect with peers, and reflect on their spiritual journey. We encourage those in Years 10-12 to take part in this enriching experience. We as a school will cover the costs for our students to go. Our school bus will transport students to and from the event.
Ongoing Project Compassion Appeal
Our school community has been working hard to support Project Compassion this term, and we are incredibly proud of thE dedication shown by our students.
Congratulations to Year 11 SiCT and Year 12 SOR 1 Unit, who are currently leading the tally of donations and recycling of cans. As of now, we have raised $600 towards our $3000 goal.
We encourage all students and families to continue their generous contributions, whether through fundraising, donations, or small acts of kindness. Donations can be made via the Caritas Australia website or by scanning the QR code below: 🔗 Project Compassion Donation Link
Celebrating Our Students
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Party (March 4th)
Our Pancake Party was Led by our Year 11 Sports Captains, this event was a fantastic success, raising over $200 for Project Compassion. Thank you to Archie Morris, Savannah Green, Zac Fitzpatrick, Isabelle Youman, Glen Okon, Kyan Campbell and Fletcher Impey.
Ash Wednesday Liturgy (March 5th)
Thank you to Lara Taylor, Arden Cutler, Lincoln Bulkerey, Evie Sheather, Kyle Sheen, Ella Osbourne and Sophie Aitkins, our Year 8 students who assisted in the readings, helping to create a beautiful and reflective liturgy.
A special thank you to Father Reynold, Deacon Josh, and our special guests for celebrating this significant occasion with us.
As we continue through this season of Lent, let us remember that faith is not just something we practice at Mass or in prayer, but something we live out in our daily actions. Whether through service, kindness, or reflection, let us strive to deepen our faith and build a stronger, more compassionate community together.
With warm regards,
Mrs Wilsmore-Smith
Religious Education Coordinator

Youth Minister

We have some exciting events coming up at school, so be sure to get involved!
Our Easter Raffle helps support Project Compassion! Students are encouraged to donate Easter eggs or lollies. These will go into our raffle baskets, where you have the chance to win fantastic prizes! There will be 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place winners, so don’t miss out on your chance to win. Stay tuned for more details on raffle ticket sales starting Week 7.
St. Patrick’s Day is on Monday, March 17. To celebrate our St. Patrick’s Day can I please ask that you get your aprons on and cook up a storm. Year 7 is running this delish event. Remember, whether it's cookies, cakes, or slices, your contributions will help make the day special.
We have additionally started a Craft Club on Tuesdays at recess. Any student is welcome to join, this term we are working towards personalised mugs.
Reminder our Breakfast club is Tuesday, Thursday and Friday each week from 8:30-8:50am.
Have a great week!
Have a great fortnight.
Harry Pottinger
Youth Minister

Mission Leaders of La Salle Academy
Happy Friday Everyone!
Last week we celebrated International Women's Day on the 6th of March. The La Salle leadership team, Year 11 and Year 10 students were invited to Bathurst for an International Women's Day dinner at the Gold fields.
We celebrated courageous women like Dr Saranne Cooke who spoke a clear message of ‘take one step at a time’.
This week on Tuesday the majority of Year 12 and 10 students ventured to Bathurst to an CSU Explore Day, to gain information on University courses we may wish to undertake. This was a great opportunity for those wishing to go on the University pathway.
A reminder that we are running the clothing drive till the end of the term, to give back to those who are most affected by poverty in areas including Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, Lebanon, Cameroon, Kashmir and various regions in Africa. We are asking students to contribute essential items like second-hand clothing, towels, sheets and blankets to bring comfort and security to those most in need. Your donations can be popped in the Religious Education classroom special bins.
Hope you had a great week 6!
Thank you, Your Mission Captains for 2025 , Amira and Ally.

Pastoral and Wellbeing Co-ordinator Year 8 and 10

We are halfway through the term and we have had a busy couple of weeks filled with
excursions, school functions and student workshops. I encourage students to continue to become involved in extracurricular activities, the more you get involved in, the more you will get out of your school experience. Last week we had our Open Evening, where we proudly saw many year 8 and 10 students help out on the night as tour guides, cooks and overall helpers. This was a great opportunity for future families to see the many subjects and facilities La Salle Academy has to offer. It was truly the cherry on top to see so many of our wonderful students be a part of a fantastic night.
Year 8
The next couple of weeks are filled with assignments and in class tasks. Students have been
working well and are encouraged to continue using the study skills taught in class. Within the
next two weeks, year 8 have their English, PDHPE and Visual Arts assessment tasks.
This Tuesday we had two of our year 8 students, Ben B and Breanna B represent our school
in the Bathurst Diocesan Secondary Schools Swimming Carnival, with Ben qualifying for
CCC. Congratulations Ben!
Year 10
Our year 10 students have been involved in a variety of different activities. We had our Peer
Support students assist with our Year 6 Taster Day which was a great success. Thank you
to all those students, the day would not have been possible without their enthusiasm and
support. On Tuesday of this week year 10 attended the Charles Sturt University Explore
Day. This was an excellent opportunity for students to see the university, ask questions and
get familiar with what life beyond school might look like. We had students attend workshops
that introduced nursing, psychology, law, policing and many more.
Mrs Soliette Markovic
Year 8 & 10 Pastoral/Wellbeing Coordinator

Library News

La Salle Homework/Study Hub
Mondays and Wednesdays have become a busy time in the library this term with the La Salle Academy Homework Club operating until 6pm. It is wonderful to see so many students taking the opportunity to work on assessments and homework as well as study for upcoming exams under the guidance of dedicated staff who are on hand to provide assistance. The library provides a quiet learning space for students to focus on their tasks and utilise the resources available to support their learning. All year groups are welcome to attend the homework club. For further information come to the library or speak to Mr Carpenter.
What Matters? Writing Competition
Since its inception in 2004, students from all over Australia have taken part in the What Matters? writing competition to make their voices heard on a topic that is important to them. The competition is run by the Whitlam Institute within Western Sydney University and is inspired by Gough Whitlam's commitment to involving young people in shaping Australia's future. Part writing exercise, part civics and citizenship activity, this writing competition is the perfect opportunity to empower students to raise their voices on issues and know that their perspectives are valued, no matter their age, background or viewpoint.
What Matters? is currently open to school students in years 5 to 12. Students need to respond to the question: What Matters? Entries can be fiction, non-fiction, poetry or prose of up to 600 words, and are to be submitted online through the website: Whitlam Institute What Matters
CEDB Spelling Bee 2025
The CEDB is once again running their fantastic annual Spelling Bee for primary and secondary students. The secondary finals will take place at St Mary’s Catholic
School Wellington on 27th May, 2024. Students from Years 7 - 10 are encouraged to participate in the competition and use this opportunity to develop their spelling skills to help enhance their overall literacy. There are spelling lists available for students to use as practice for the competition. Please come to the library to register your interest.
Display of the Month
In honour of St Patrick’s Day, we have created a display to promote texts within the collection that have a connection to Ireland, either through characters or setting.
New Books
Each month we receive a delivery of new fiction and nonfiction titles for our collection. Some of the wonderful texts on offer this month are:
Drive by Cynthia. L. Copeland
An inspirational historically-based graphic novel about women breaking down barriers to compete in the male dominated world of motorsports.
Set in alternating chapters, this is a wonderful graphic novel highlighting women in motorsports. With a lovely twist at the end, this is a terrific graphic novel showing the difficulties that people have to endure to get a fair go, particularly girls who compete in what has traditionally been a male pursuit.
Bear by Kiri Lightfoot
Thirteen-year-old Jasper is not doing well. His beloved grandparents have passed away, his parents are divorced, and his Dad hardly ever makes contact. He has no real friends at school, and now his Mum wants her boyfriend to move into their house. And now his pet goldfish, Han Solo, is sick and his days are numbered!
This is a powerful and inspirational read. It has a great cast of characters and a story that needs to be told. It deals with grief, fear, depression, anxiety, self-worth, changing family dynamics and learning to face your demons.
Happy Reading,
Mrs Devine

Aboriginal Education Officer

Yiradhu marang,
My name is Zoe, and I am the new Aboriginal Education Officer.
March holds several important occasions, including National Close the Gap Day on Thursday,20th March. This day is deeply significant in First Nations culture—it is a time for reflection on the past year and an opportunity to strengthen our commitment to closing the gap between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the wider community. As mob, we must stand strong, be present, and take pride in our culture to support ourselves and each other in
overcoming inequalities. My role at La Salle is to uphold our no gap policy, ensuring that all
students are valued and given equal opportunities. National Close the Gap Day also falls on the International Day of Happiness, a movement toward building a more positive and resilient world.
On Friday, 21st March, we recognize the International Day for the Elimination of Racial
Discrimination, a global call to challenge racism in all its forms. This day is about fostering
understanding, unity, and justice. It also coincides with Harmony Day, a celebration of cultural
diversity and inclusion. The theme this year is ‘Everyone Belongs’.
Additionally, on Sunday, 30th March, we acknowledge the anniversary of the Gunditjmara
Native Title recognition (2007)—a significant moment in the ongoing journey of land rights and
recognition for First Nations people.
A beautiful Wiradjuri word, yindyamarra, reminds us to be polite, gentle, respectful, honorable,
and to move with thoughtfulness. I ask that we all embody yindyamarra as we walk together on
Wiradjuri Country.
Mandaang guwu,
Mowers Needed

La Salle Academy as part of our “Boys Education” program would like any working lawn mowers, or lawn mowers needing a little love and attention to bring them back to life.
These mowers will be cleaned up, repaired and painted if necessary and re-homed into our community.
Where possible it would help us greatly if they could be dropped off at the Academy.
These boys will increase their communication, numeracy and literacy skills by ordering, costing of the necessary parts and working in a team environment.
Thank you for supporting this program for our students.
All things attendance
Minutes lost = days lost per year
A couple of minutes here and there doesn’t seem like much, but
When your child misses just….
5 minutes per day = 3 days per year
30 minutes per day = 18 days per year
When you see the information above it may seem trivial that we would also put importance on
arriving late or departing early from school but when all the minutes lost are added up it can
make a huge difference to your child’s education. When your child arrives late and leaves
early from school these partial absences count towards non-attendance at school.
Late arrivals are very disruptive to our teachers and our classrooms. We value punctuality and
believe that if we are to build a respectful and orderly learning environment that promotes
academic achievement and skills for success in life then we need to address students who arrive
late and also leave early.
We understand that there are occasionally situations and emergencies that arise with students
and their families. We feel that often, unexcused late arrivals are most often unnecessary and
are unacceptable. Our main concern is that when a student is persistently late this results in loss
of learning and disruption to the learning of others.
So, what can we do to promote punctuality at school. I have provided a list of things that may
help as we move forward to promote good attendance at school. This will then lead into the real
world once school has finished. Some things may work better than others but if we can take the
time to be organised and ready to go in the morning it should work in improving students being
on time.
A reminder that when your child is off school it is the parents’ responsibility to make sure that all
absences are explained. Parents should be entering absences through the Compass Portal app,
calling the school to notify of the absence, emailing the school or sending in a note with the child
and they can hand the note to their admin teacher or the front office.
If you are planning to take your child out of school for any reason during term time prior
notification is needed as this leave needs to be approved by the Principal and students need to
touch base with their teachers beforehand if there is work that needs to be submitted. If parents
do not follow this procedure the leave can be unapproved and students may be penalised marks
as per the Assessment guidelines.
Mrs Kath Staines
Attendance Wellbeing Officer

Dear Parents and Carers,
Your school fee statement for 2025 has now been emailed to you. If you have not received your statement, please check your spam/junk folder, if not there please contact the School's Office to request a copy. The first of the instalments are due tomorrow Friday 14th March. If you don't have a Direct Debit set-up with us as yet please contact the school either by phone or email to request a form to organise this.
Term payments are due on the following dates:
Term 1 - 14th March, 2025
Term 2 - 23rd May, 2025
Term 3 - 15th August, 2025
If weekly or fortnightly payments are made, please ensure your school fees are finalised by November 2025.
School fees can be paid via the following methods:BPay - your details can be found on the bottom of the invoice.Compass Pay - via your Compass Parent PortalEFTPOS - over the phone or via the Admin OfficeDirect Debit - please request a form from the Admin Office
If you hold a current Health Care Card or Pensioner Card, please send through a copy of the front and back of your card - you may be eligible for a discount. This will need to be incorporated with a Direct Debit payment agreement. Please email to
If you are experiencing genuine financial hardship, please contact the school office to arrange an appointment with our Principal on (02) 6354 5100.
Thank you for attending to your fees at your earliest convenience.
Kind regards,
Narelle Lee
Office Manager
Important Information
School student travel information for parents and students |
School Travel Passes Students who require a School Opal card or travel pass but have not yet applied need to apply or update their details as soon as possible. In the Opal network, students should travel with a Child/Youth Opal card until they receive their valid School Opal card. If outside Greater Sydney, parents should contact their local bus operator to discuss their travel needs. Students living in rural and regional areas will receive their travel pass from their nominated transport operator. It may be issued via their school or be sent directly to them at home. Note: some rural and regional operators do not issue travel passes. Students/parents should confirm with their nominated operator if they do not receive a pass. |
Students using School Opal cards must tap on and tap off in line with the Opal terms of use . This includes travel within the approved times between 6.30am and 7.00pm from Monday to Friday on school days only. Students must use their Child/Youth Opal card for any travel outside these times. All students are required to comply with the Student code of conduct. The code of conduct aims to ensure the safety and well-being of school children and other passengers. It is important that parents ensure their child is aware of this, as failure to comply with the code of conduct can result in a suspension from travel. |
CEBD Community Charter
Upcoming Events and Opportunities

Karate Classes
We are a local karate school who have been operating for over 25 years with experienced, qualified instructors.
We provide fun, affordable karate classes for kids, teens and adults to develop fitness, determination, focus and self defence in a safe, welcoming environment.
Our karate school is a traditional school that follows the virtues of respect, peace and perseverance and helps to develop students in the dojo as well as in their daily lives.
We are offering a FREE trial lesson to all new students.
Kind regards,
Tamara Snow
Blue Mountains Karate Admin and Instructor
Phone: 0425 370 859
Facebook: chito ryu karate blue mountains

Student stationery pack

Becoming a foster carer

Canteen- Flexischools App
Canteen cut off times for order are as follows:
Lunch time : 12pm
If you are interested in helping in the canteen please call our office 6354 5100
Thank You
Canteen Manager
We have the flexischools app for your convenience order online - See the flyers below with instructions on how to order

School Zones Reminder